I have a dream, too.

Emily Brittany Race
2 min readJan 17, 2017

I have a dream, of a universal sisterhood, where women openly support and celebrate one another, regardless of race, age, sexual orientation, economic status, religious or spiritual beliefs. It is then that the world will heal.

I have a dream, of a world where the female body is respected for the beautiful and magical form that it is; that a girl feels honored at the sign of her first period transitioning her into womanhood; that she understands early on that beauty comes in many different shapes and sizes and ages; that she doesn’t have to fight to keep this understanding, since the messages, media, and words that surround her consistently agree that it is so. It is then that the world will heal.

I have a dream, where the words that we use to describe women don’t automatically create them as weak, annoying, objectified, or useless; where “feminine” signifies strength, “pussy” is powerful, and “emotional” is something we strive to be, rather than shamefully denying our feelings the natural process of rising and falling away. It is then that the world will heal.

I have a dream, where the wellbeing of a family is not only the equal responsibility of BOTH parents, but also the responsibility of the community that the family resides in; where maternity and paternity leave are equally supportive of this responsibility, so that our children can see this equality modeled for them from the minute they are born. It is then that the world will heal.

I have a dream, where feminine leadership is coveted and valued, and spans across all kinds of industries and innovations; where under this shift in our companies and corporations no longer take center-stage, but rather value and focus on the people that they are comprised of and the communities that they serve. It is then that the world will heal.

I have a dream, where we honor our mothers for giving us life and keeping us alive until we were old enough to fend for ourselves; that we look to our planet as our primary mother, appreciating the numerous gifts she gives us daily as we stretch past our limits to keep her alive and prosperous. It is then that the world will heal.



Emily Brittany Race

Curious explorer of worlds inside & out, writing for freedom. Mother Queen. Host of the Founding Mothers Podcast. www.founding-mothers.com